Hello, I’m Akang Wang. I’m working as a Research Scientist at Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data (SRIBD). I received my PhD degree in the area of Process Systems Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University in 2020. My current research interests include integer programming, global optimization, learning to optimize, and grid optimization. My research is supported by NSFC Young Scientists Fund, Shenzhen Technological Innovation Talent Program and National Key R&D Program of China. I have published journal/conference papers in Journal of Global Optimization, EJOR, ICLR, etc. I won the first place in the primal track of NeurIPS 2021 ML2CO competition and the second place in the 2022 RAS Problem Solving Competition of INFORMS. Besides, he served as reviewers for journals such as IPCO, EJOR, Networks.

In this website, you can know more about my research and experience. Also, please feel free to check out my Google Scholar and LinkedIn.